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Student Module

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Student Module

Bizzbrains Student Management System

Bizzbrains Student Management System (SMS) is a comprehensive solution designed to manage various aspects of student-related information and administrative tasks within an educational institution.

Student Enrollment and Registration:

  • Capture and store student demographic information during the enrollment process.
  • Manage the admission and registration process.

Student Profiles:

  • Maintain detailed profiles for each student, including personal information, contact details, and academic history.

Class and Section Assignment:

  • Assign students to specific classes, sections, and courses.
  • Manage class rosters.

Attendance Tracking:

  • Record and monitor student attendance.
  • Generate attendance reports.

Grade and Transcript Management:

  • Record and manage student grades for assignments, tests, and exams.
  • Generate transcripts and report cards.

Timetable Management:

  • Create and manage class schedules.
  • Provide students with access to their timetables.

Course Registration:

  • Allow students to register for courses.
  • Manage course capacities and availability.

Fee Management:

  • Track fee payments and outstanding balances.
  • Generate invoices and receipts.

Communication Tools:

  • Facilitate communication between students, teachers, and parents.
  • Provide messaging or announcement systems.

Examination and Assessment:

  • Schedule and manage exams.
  • Record and manage assessment results.

Transportation Management (if applicable):

  • Manage student transportation details, such as bus routes and schedules.
  • Track transportation fees and attendance.

A well-implemented Student Management System contributes to the overall efficiency and organization of educational institutions, streamlining administrative processes and improving communication between stakeholders. The system should be chosen based on the specific needs and scale of the educational institution.


Take Full Control With All Features

Student Profile

Academic plan



Important Questions


Home Work

Daily Diary

Notice Board

Video Lecture


Live CLass

Exam Schedule


Time table

Time table



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